Pain in Lower Extremities in a Patient with Spina Bifida and Spinal DysraphismDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JPRLS.S37045 Keywords: Pain in Lower Extremities in a Patient with Spina Bifida and Spinal Dysraphism Case report (910) Total Article Views Authors: Haq I, Rana MA Published Date December 2011 Volume 2011:1 Pages 13 - 14 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JPRLS.S37045 Iftekharul Haq, Mohammed A. Rana Department of Neurosurgery, Thunder Bay Regional Hospital, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada A 55 year old right handed male presented to the neurosurgical service with chief complaint of aching pain in both ca Abstract: Pain in Lower Extremities in a Patient with Spina Bifida and Spinal Dysraphism Case report (910) Total Article Views Authors: Haq I, Rana MA Published Date December 2011 Volume 2011:1 Pages 13 - 14 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JPRLS.S37045 Iftekharul Haq, Mohammed A. Rana Department of Neurosurgery, Thunder Bay Regional Hospital, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada A 55 year old right handed male presented to the neurosurgical service with chief complaint of aching pain in both calves. The pain was located in his shins below the knees. The pain occurred late in the evenings and increased before going to bed. His pain interfered with falling asleep, however, once he was asleep there was no pain. In the daytime, he had no pain in the lower extremities. These symptoms started about three years ago and gradually worsened. He denied any weakness, sensory numbness, tingling, bowel-bladder problems, or gait difficulty. He could walk unlimited distances. Post to: Cannotea Citeulike Del.icio.us Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Readers of this article also read: Methylnaltrexone in the treatment of opioid-induced constipation Radiolucency below the crown of mandibular horizontal incompletely impacted third molars and acute inflammation in men with diabetes The cognitive impact of anticholinergics: A clinical review Child spacing and contraception among the poor in Zambia Food nanotechnology – an overview Subset-directed antiviral treatment of 142 herpesvirus patients with chronic fatigue syndrome Nephroprotection of lacidipine against gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in albino rats Enhanced effect and mechanism of water-in-oil microemulsion as an oral delivery system of hydroxysafflor yellow A Intercellular cancer collisions generate an ejected crystal comet tail effect with fractal interface embryoid body reassembly transformation Ultrasonic lateral modulation imaging, speckle reduction, and displacement vector measurements using simple single-beam scanning or plural crossed-beam scanning with new spectra frequency division processing methods