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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Limnological Study on two High Altitude Himalayan Ponds, Badrinath, Uttarakhand

DOI: 10.5923/j.ije.20120205.04

Keywords: Himalayan Ponds, Water Quality, Plankton Population, Trophic Status

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Present study has been done on two high altitude Himalayan ponds situated near the Badrinath temple, Uttarakhand (India). During the investigation physico-chemical and biological analysis (Phytoplankton & Zooplankton) were carried out at two selected sites one in each pond. A total 131species of phytoplankton and 51 species of zooplankton were encountered from both the ponds. Among phytoplankton, class Cyanophyceae was the most dominant whereas, among zooplankton Rotifera was the dominant class during the study period. Most of the phytoplankton and zooplankton species recorded from both the water bodies are indicators of higher trophic status. Physico-chemical features of ponds showed the nutrient rich water of both the ponds. Presence of various planktonic species and higher trophic status of both the ponds at high altitude showed the impact of high anthropogenic pressure as well as favourable environmental factors like temperature. Also, the impact of global warming on micro flora and fauna present in water bodies situated at high altitude has been discussed. Present study is preliminary work on these two ponds which will provide the baseline data for the further studies. Some further studies required to establish the importance of various environmental factors which are responsible for the growth of more planktonic species at higher altitudes.


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