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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Measuring Complex Networks

DOI: 10.5923/j.ajms.20120201.05

Keywords: Mathematics, Entropy, Symmetry, Information Theory, Complex Networks

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This paper analyzes some aspects of Fuzziness and Uncertainty Measures. We would need new ways to obtain some more adequate conditions, or restrictions, to modeling from vague pieces of information. Many times, classical fuzzy measure proceeds from Physics; for instance, from Thermodynamics. Furthermore, it was adapted, so creating new constructs such as Information Theory, with very crucial concepts, such as Symmetry and Entropy. The Hungarian mathematician Alfred Rényi shows that we may propose very different and valid entropy measures, according our purposes. So, it will be very necessary to clarify some different types of measures, and also their mutual relationships. For these reasons, we attempt to obtain a generalization and to improve the classification of some interesting fuzzy measures, as may be the Entropy on Complex Networks.


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