A Contrario Fusion for Detecting Change in Satellite ImageryDOI: 10.5923/j.ajsp.20120204.02 Keywords: Change Detection, Change Indicators, A Contrario Fusion, Multi-Temporal Images Abstract: Interest is growing in the numerous methods of automatically detecting change in satellite imagery, especially due to the many ways they can be applied to analyze the Earth’s surface or the environment (monitoring vegetation, updating maps, risk management, etc.). However, change detection using fusion images based on an a contrario approach is a new method introduced by[5]. The main objective of this study is to introduce a process for using fusion of change indicators based on a contrario modeling. The first aim of this study is to show that change exists between different bandwidths raw of the same source image and that the rate of change remains practically the same from one source image to another. The second objective is to determine a rate of change between multi-temporal images.