环境科学 2013
Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Composition in Suaeda salsa Wetland in the Yellow River Delta
Applying the method of physical fractionation, distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and its composition in Suaeda salsa wetland in the Yellow River delta were studied. The results showed that the heavy fraction organic carbon was the dominant component of soil organic carbon in the studied region. There was a significantly positive relationship between the content of heavy fraction organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and total soil organic carbon. The ranges of soil light fraction organic carbon ratio and content were 0.008%-0.15% and 0.10-0.40 g·kg-1, respectively, and the range of particulate organic carbon ratio was 8.83%-30.58%, indicating that the non-protection component of soil organic carbon was low and the carbon pool was relatively stable in Suaeda salsa wetland of the Yellow River delta.