海洋科学 2013
Changes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in the crude oil from Bohai Sea under comprehensive weathering condition
This paper presents the changes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the crude oil from Bohai Sea under comprehensive weathering condition. The results showed that the distribution patterns of PAHs in crude oil had great changes after 50 days weathering. Naphthalene (NAP) series compounds had the most serious loss and loss of the relative concentration reached 56.78%, while the proportion of phenanthrene (PHE) series compounds has increased in some extent. Dibenzothiophene (DBT) series, chrysene (CHR) series and fluorene (FLU) series remained relatively stable. The disciplines of PAHs distribution can lead to screen out new diagnostic ratios for oil spill identification. The customary six diagnostic ratios were proved to have strong weathering-resistant capabilities under the synthetical weathering conditions and they can be used for source identification of weathered oil.