海洋科学 2013
The genetic diversity of five populations of Atrina pectinta in China based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene
Mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fragments of Atrina pectinta sampled from five locations (Changdao, Wendeng, Rizhao, Zhanjiang and Sanya) were amplified with universal primer; the PCR products were sequenced, and 441bp nucleotide sequences were obtained. The T, C, A, G and A+T contents in this fragment were 29.91%, 17.41%, 25.74%, 26.94%and 55.65%, respectively. The AT content was higher than the GC content. The diversity of the population analysis showed that the population of Wendeng had higher level of genetic diversity. Nine haplotypes were defined among five populations, which were from 26 segregating sites. The fixation indices (Fst) analyzed by AMOVA totaled to Fst = 0.5007 (P<0.001) showing that the genetic fixation inter-populations was a little larger than that intra-populations and indicated significant genetic fixation among the five populations. The Neighbor-joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree and UPGMA phylogenetic tree were made from the five populations of A. pectinta. The result showed that the population of WD, CD and RZ might have originated from one clade, while populations of HN and ZJ from another.