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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Micromachines  2012 

Azimuthally Varying Guided Mode Resonance Filters

DOI: 10.3390/mi3010180

Keywords: subwavelength gratings, resonant structures, spatially varying structures, guided waves, leaky modes

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New and novel sensing schemes require optical functions with unconventional spatial light distributions, as well as complex spectral functionality. Micro-optical elements have shown some flexibility in their ability to spatially encode phase information using surface relief dielectrics. In this paper, we present a novel optical component that exploits the properties of optically resonant structures to make an azimuthally spatially varying spectral filter. The dispersive properties are quite unique with an angular resonance shift of 28 Deg/nm. This device is fabricated using techniques that are compatible with standard micro-electronic fabrication technologies.


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