Facial lesions in piglets with intact or grinded teethAbstract: In this study the piglets' teeth were grinded in 28 litters, and in 36 litters the piglets' teeth were kept intact. Twice, one time during the first week and one time during the second week after birth facial lesions of the piglets were scored and the teats of the sows were examined for lesions. The facial lesion score accounted for the amount and severity of lesions. The individual observations on piglets in the litter were synthesized in a litter facial lesion score.69.8% and 43.5% of the piglets had facial lesions in week 1 and week 2 respectively. The effect of treatment was not significant on litter facial lesion score. The litter facial lesion score was higher in week 1 than in week 2 (p < 0.001) and higher in large litters (p = 0.003) than in small litters. Mortality between week 1 and week 2 was higher in litters with intact teeth (p = 0.02). Sow teat lesions only occurred if litters had intact teeth.According to our results teeth grinding is only justifiable in large litters.Piglets are born with 28 teeth; three incisors, one canine tooth and three premolars per jaw half [1]. The teeth are used by the piglets to establish a teat order during the first hours after birth [2] and subsequently to defend their specific teat [3]. The canine teeth and the third pairs of incisors are sharp and slightly angled outwards (laterally) from the jaw [4]. They can cause facial lesions on littermates, and teat and udder lesions on the sow. To reduce the incidence of such lesions sharp teeth are often clipped or grinded in commercial pig production.According to EU legislation (Directive, 2001/93/EC), teeth clipping and grinding are only allowed when "there is evidence that injuries to sows' teats or to other pigs' ears or tails have occurred". In Sweden teeth clipping is forbidden since 2008 (SJVFS 2009:85, D8), but grinding is permitted if it can be demonstrated that lesions on the littermates or the sow have been caused by intact teeth. Grinding is only allowed during the