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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Species-Specific Relationships between Water Transparency and Male Coloration within and between Two Closely Related Lake Victoria Cichlid Species

DOI: 10.1155/2012/161306

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Environmental variation in signalling conditions affects animal communication traits, with possible consequences for sexual selection and reproductive isolation. Using spectrophotometry, we studied how male coloration within and between populations of two closely related Lake Victoria cichlid species (Pundamilia pundamilia and P. nyererei) covaries with water transparency. Focusing on coloration patches implicated in sexual selection, we predicted that in clear waters, with broad-spectrum light, (1) colours should become more saturated and (2) shift in hue away from the dominant ambient wavelengths, compared to more turbid waters. We found support for these predictions for the red and yellow coloration of P. nyererei but not the blue coloration of P. pundamilia. This may be explained by the species difference in depth distribution, which generates a steeper gradient in visual conditions for P. nyererei compared to P. pundamilia. Alternatively, the importance of male coloration in intraspecific sexual selection may differ between the species. We also found that anal fin spots, that is, the orange spots on male haplochromine anal fins that presumably mimic eggs, covaried with water transparency in a similar way for both species. This is in contrast to the other body regions studied and suggests that, while indeed functioning as signals, these spots may not play a role in species differentiation. 1. Introduction Heterogeneous signaling conditions exert divergent selection on animal communication traits, leading to the divergence of sexual signals between environments [1–3]. For example, bird song characteristics may covary with the sound transmission properties of the vegetation (e.g., [4]) and fish coloration may covary with underwater light conditions (e.g., [5]). These adaptations could contribute to reproductive isolation between populations and possibly promote speciation [6–9]. In addition, signalling conditions may influence the opportunity for sexual selection, by compromising signal perception or by increasing the costs of mate searching [10–12]. The haplochromine cichlids of East Africa constitute a species-rich assemblage with extensive variation in male coloration. Several lines of evidence suggest that variation in underwater light conditions influences the evolution of these colour patterns. In Lake Victoria, for example, male colours tend to become more distinctive in locations with relatively high water transparency [13, 14] and some colour morphs are completely absent in turbid waters [15]. Haplochromine coloration mediates both


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