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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Relatia dintre aspectele selfului si performanta candidatilor in cadrul interviurilor de angajare

Keywords: self-esteem , self-worth , Big Five , interview performance

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The main objective of this study is to identify the relation between aspects of the self and the candidate's performance during an employment interview. Self-esteem was defined using Rosenberg's perspective, and the self-worth contingencies were defined using the perspective developed by J.Crocker. The Big Five model was described using Costa and McCrae's perspective. Methods: Rosenberg Scale, IPIP and Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale. Participants: 60 subjects that participated in an employment interview. The performance was evaluated by 2 interviewers. The results show a positive correlation between the candidate's self-esteem and their performance at the interview. Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were positively associated with performance at the interview. Competence and competition, as self-worth contingencies, are also positively correlated with a high performance during the employment interview.


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