Intraosseous Neurofibroma and Concurrent Involvement of the Mandible, Maxilla and Orbit: Report of a CaseKeywords: Neurofibroma , S100 Proteins , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Abstract: Neurofibroma is an autosomal dominant disorder which has major criteria such as hyperpigmentation (cafe-au lait spots), cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors and bone deformities. In this report, a case of multifocal intraosseous neurofibroma in a 16-year-old male with right facial asymmetry, multiple unerupted maxillary posterior teeth and a previous history of infratemporal and orbital neurofibroma is presented. The majority of reported cases occurred in the posterior portion of the mandible and a limited number in the maxilla. Cone beam CT (CBCT) was performed for better evaluation of the extension and form of the maxillary and mandibular lesions. This report presents a rare situation of simultaneous peripheral neurofibromatosis (NF) and multifocal intraosseous NF in the mandible, maxilla and orbits and also focuses on advanced imaging findings of bony and soft tissue neurofibroma.