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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




流通館員情緒勞務與情緒耗竭之調查研究: 以大學圖書館之刁難讀者服務為例 A Survey of Circulation Librarians’ Emotional Labor and Emotional Exhaustion: The Case of Difficult Patron Service in University Libraries

Keywords: Emotional labor , Emotional exhaustion , Difficult patron , Circulation librarian , University library , 情緒勞務 , 情緒耗竭 , 刁難讀者 , 流通館員 , 大學圖書館

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身處圖書館服務的第一線,流通館員在面對刁難讀者時,往往須投注相當之「情緒勞務」,亦即付出心力維持和悅的表情與友善的態度。本文呈現問卷調查的結果,分別探究台灣地區大學圖書館之流通館員遭遇刁難讀者頻次、流通館員情緒勞務以及情緒耗竭之程度,同時,分析流通館員個人背景因素對其遭遇刁難讀者頻次、情緒勞務及情緒耗竭程度三者之影響,以及遭遇刁難讀者頻次與情緒勞務及情緒耗竭程度之間的相關性。研究結果顯示,大學圖書館流通館員「很少」或「偶爾」遭遇刁難讀者,而其遭遇之刁難讀者以「外向歸因型」及「挑剔型」居多。然而,流通館員確實屬於高情緒勞務工作者,其情緒勞務偏重在處理他人負面情緒與表達個人正面情緒兩方面。此外,流通館員「很少」或僅是「偶爾」有情緒耗竭的感覺。整體而言,流通館員遭遇刁難讀者的頻次與情緒耗竭程度呈現正相關,而館員之情緒勞務和情緒耗竭的程度則呈現負相關。 At the front line of library service, circulation librarians devote considerable efforts to performing “emotional labor”, i.e., maintaining a pleasant manner while dealing with difficult patrons. Using questionnaires, this study examines frequency of encountering difficult patrons, emotional labor, and degree of emotional exhaustion among university circulation librarians in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the current study also analyzes effects of circulation librarians’ personal background factors on these three variables, and the correlation between them. The results suggested that university circulation librarians “scarcely” or “occasionally” encountered difficult patrons, among whom the most frequently encountered types were the “externally attributive” and “critical” ones. Nevertheless, circulation librarians were found high emotional labor workers who mostly performed emotional labor along the dimensions of “dealing with others’ negative emotions” and “expressing one’s positive emotions”. Besides, circulation librarians “scarcely” or “occasionally” felt emotionally exhausted. In general, a positive correlation was found between librarians’ frequency of encountering difficult patrons and degree of emotional exhaustion, while a negative correlation was found between librarians’ emotional labor and degree of emotional exhaustion.


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