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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




層面分類結構應用於圖書作品標記之研究 An Evaluation of a Faceted Structure for Book Tagging: An experimental study

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社會性標記的發展已成為新一代網路應用的重要趨勢之一,因其允許眾多使用者依照自身需要來為網路資源給予各種標籤或關鍵字,有別於傳統的書目組織方式。然而,現有的許多標記系統所產生的標籤大多是缺乏結構化與組織的結果,因而難以提供具語意結構的、多面向的資訊,較無法有效支援資源的瀏覽或檢索。有鑑於此,本研究提出將層面分類作為改善標記品質的方法,並且以圖書作品為例探討層面分類結構和社會性標記相結合的應用效益。研究將透過實驗法驗證層面分類結構的提供與否、以及作品文類(小說與非小說)這兩項因素對於標記結果之影響,比落漜旍晡怞b有無層面分類結構引導下進行標記所產生的結果,並透過自行設立之標記系統、實驗前問卷、與實驗後問卷分別蒐集相關實證資料,以統計檢定分析測量結果。實驗結果顯示,以層面分類進行標記較能增加標籤平均數量,且會達到較高的同義標籤相似度、標籤使用集中程度、以及較多面向之標籤類型;但也發現層面結構的提供會讓標記者花費較多操作時間,而且雖然多數標記者認同層面結構之助益,但其再利用意願並不高。研究建議提供更具彈性和多樣化的層面分類結構、增加標記系統的易用性,以減少標記操作成本;並增加標記之動機與誘因,以鼓勵使用者多花費一些心力來產出較佳的標籤品質。研究所得之成果除有助於瞭解層面分類結構與圖書標記相結合的可行性,提供後續相關研究參考外;同時也可就標記系統功能設計供相關建議,以協助使用者增進圖書標籤品質。 Recently, some have questioned the effectiveness of user-generated tags on several grounds, one of which being its lack of structure. To explore this issue, our study conducts an experiment to investigate whether user-generated tags can be enhanced with a faceted structure particularly on book tagging. This study aims to understand the effect of different tagging modes on the resulting tag sets, particularly in the context of fiction and non-fiction works. Two different kinds of tagging interfaces (with and without faceted template) and two different genres of works (fiction and non-fiction) are manipulated in this experiment. Participants’ tagging behaviors, including tags used, time spent were logged; and their perceptions with the interface was captured by the questionnaires. According to the results of assessment, it was found that the tag sets of faceted template display more distinct tags, more number of assigned tags on average, higher degree of tag similarity, and higher convergence of tags. While the results suggest that the faceted interface generated tags of better quality, it also incurred more user effort. Although it is hard to make clear conclusions based on one single study, the data suggested the usefulness of a faceted template as it tends to generate tags with higher viewpoint exhaustivity as well as consensus. Nevertheless, the actual retrieval effectiveness of the combination of tagging and faceted structure still has to be examined and assessed in further empirical research.


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