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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Videoarthroscopic treatment of glenohumeral osteoarthritis Tratamento Videoartroscópico da Osteoartrite Glenoumeral

Keywords: Ombro , Artroscopia , Osteoartrite , Shoulder , Arthroscopy , Osteoarthritis

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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate possible benefits obtained through the use of surgical videoarthroscopy in the management of glenohumeral osteoarthritis. METHODS: We evaluated 37 patients (38 shoulders) who underwent through surgical videoarthroscopy in the period between November 1999 and May 2009 (minimum follow-up of two years). Twenty five patients attend for revaluation and thirteen were interviewed by telephonic contact. Functional assessments were performed (UCLA, Constant, and measurement of range of motion -ROM-), as well as pre and post surgical radiographics. We evaluated the influence of the following factors in the final results: the presence of chondral lesions, joint space narrowing, osteophyte presence, associated injuries (rotator cuff torn or instability), and follow-up. Among those patients interviewed by phone we evaluated the satisfaction level and if they would submit themselves again to the surgical procedure. RESULTS: It was observed significant gain towards to the function (UCLA) and the internal rotation, as well as the association between dissatisfaction and pre surgical joint space reduced. Among the operated patients, 84% were satisfied with the results and 86.6% would repeat the procedure. CONCLUSION: Surgical videoarthroscopy presents a relevant role in management of the glenohumeral osteoarthritis, providing improvement of functional results and high levels of satisfaction. OBJETIVO: Avaliar possíveis benefícios obtidos mediante o uso da videoartroscopia cirúrgica no tratamento da osteoartrite glenoumeral. MéTODOS: Avaliamos 37 pacientes (38 ombros) submetidos à vídeoartroscopia cirúrgica no período compreendido entre novembro de 1999 e maio de 2009 (seguimento mínimo de dois anos). Compareceram para reavalia o 25 pacientes e 13 foram entrevistados por contato telef nico. Foram feitas avalia es funcionais (UCLA, Constant, e aferi o da Amplitude de Movimento *[ADM]), assim como estudo radiográfico pré e pós-operatórios. Avaliamos a influência dos seguintes fatores no resultado final dos pacientes: presen a de les o condral, redu o do espa o articular, presen a de osteófito, presen a de les es associadas (rotura do manguito rotador ou instabilidade) e tempo de seguimento. Nos pacientes entrevistados por telefone avaliamos o nível de satisfa o e se fariam novamente o procedimento cirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Observamos ganhos significativos em rela o à fun o (UCLA) e rota o medial, assim como a associa o entre insatisfa o e presen a de espa o articular pré-operatório reduzido. Nos pacientes operados, 84% se mostraram satisfeitos


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