Acromioclavicular dislocation type VI associated with diaphyseal fracture of the clavicle Luxa o acromioclavicular tipo VI associada à fratura diafisária da clavículaKeywords: Articula o acromioclavicular/cirurgia , Clavícula/les es , Luxa es , Acromioclavicular articulation /surgery , Clavicle/injuries Dislocations Abstract: The purpose is to present a very unusual case of the acromioclavicular joint inferior dislocation associated with the clavicle fracture. It concerns to a young patient who had a bike fall and had this type of pathology, had been operated and obtained excellent clinic result. The literature mentions many cases of subcoracoide dislocation, but there are only two subacromial similar to ours. The case is described, a literary revision is done and discussed and the treatment is discussed.