Bezbednosni Dijalozi 2010
ЕТНИЧКИОТ ИДЕНТИТЕТ КАКО МОБИЛИЗИРАЧКА АЛАТКАKeywords: Ethnic identity , securitization , desecuritization , minority rights Abstract: Throughout the history, many ethnic groups have vanished as they gradually lost their identity and were absorbed by other ethnic groups. The preservation of spiritual, social, and cultural distance from other ethnic groups, the refusal of assimilation and integration may, in favorable circumstances, ensure the survival of an ethic group’s identity. Ethnic mobilization has been the most important development that has led to improvements in the conditions of most ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. Without mobilizingthemselves many ethnic group in the postcommunist world might have remained the vulnerable subjects of their states and societies. The objective of ethnic mobilization may be relatively modest, such increasing access to in the minority’s languages. Other mobilizing groups may identify more ambitious goals, such as the reunification of an often mythical but still politically relevant ethnic homeland. However the real problem we are facing with now is how to demobilize already mobilized ethnic groups.