Primary Epithlelioid Angiosarcoma Of The Maxilla Masquerading As A Poorly Differentiated Carcinoma : Case ReportKeywords: Angiosarcomas , Sarcoma , Primary Epitheliod Angiosarcomas Abstract: Epithlelioid angiosarcoma (EA) is a rare high grade malignant neoplasm arisingfrom vascular endothelium. Amongst epithelioid endothelial cell tumors, EA is rare tooccur. It is characterized by atypical, multilayered or solid endothelial proliferation andvasoformative architecture is a major finding in EA. This tumor exhibits a great degreeof nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activity with areas of necrosis. A case report ofPrimary Epithlelioid Angiosarcoma of the Maxilla in a 13 year old male patient is beingreported.