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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Avrupa Kültür Ba kentleri, Kütüphaneleri ve stanbul 2010 European Capitals of Culture, Libraries and Istanbul 2010

Keywords: Kültür ba kentleri , Kütüphaneler , Avrupa , Türkiye , Capitals of culture , Libraries , Europe , Turkey

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Bu yaz da, Avrupa Kültür Ba kentlerinin olu umu, kütüphanelerin bir kültür sekt rüolarak yeniden tan mlanmas , kültür ba kentlerinin kendi süre leri i inde kütüphanelerleilgili geli tirdikleri projeler ve uygulamalar anlat lm t r. Bu ba lamda, 2010 y l nda AvrupaKültür Ba kenti olacak stanbul’un, kütüphaneler ile ilgili politikas n n belirlemesi veuygulamaya ge ilmesinin gereklili i vurgulanm t r.In this article, the formation of European Capital of Culture, redefinition of libraries as acultural realm; projects, case studies and applications developed by Capital(s) of Cultureare explained and described. In this context, the significance of Istanbul as the EuropeanCapital of Culture in 2010; the certain necessity of developing Istanbul’s urban policies onlibraries and the importance of starting an applied program of actions about these librarypolicies are emphasized.


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