Bilgi Dünyas? 2010
Intelligent Information Retrieval Needs Smart Tools and Supporting Standards = Ak ll Bilgi Eri im, Ak ll Ara lar ve Onlar Destekleyen Standartlar sterKeywords: Google Search Engine , Information Retrieval , Intelligent Information Retrieval , Standardization , Standards , Structural Vocabulary , World Wide Web(WWW) , Google Arama Motoru , Bilgi Eri im , Ak ll Bilgi Eri im , Standartla t rma , Standartlar , Yap salla t r lm S zlük , World Wide Web(WWW) Abstract: "World-wide-web"de Google, etkin ve popüler bir arama motorudur. Fakat bir o u Web'de bile olmayan bilgilere eri me ve onlar payla ma a lar ndan ortaya kan büyük ve gittik e büyüyen sorunun varl yla, ki ileri k rle tirme etkisine sahip olmaya ba lam t r. Bu sorunla etkin bir ekilde ba etmek istiyorsak, geni bir bilgi süre leme standard na ve ara lar na ihtiyac m z vard r. Bu anlay rneksemek üzere, al mada, kendi aras nda i lemlenebilen ve yap salla t r lm s zcük da ar na ili kin yeni Britanya Standartlar 'na ve ortaya konulmaya ba lanan Uluslararas Standartlara ve ayr ca uygulama ve geli tirme yollar a k olan baz sistemlere k sa de inmeler yap lmaktad r. Though Google is an eff ective and popular search engine for locating information on the World Wide Web, it has tended to have the eff ect of blinding people to the enormous and growing problem of accessing and sharing digital information, much of which is not even available on the Web. If we are to eff ectively tackle this problem we will need a range of information processing standards and tools. To illustrate this belief, brief mention is made of the new British Standards and emerging International Standards dealing with structured vocabularies and interoperability; and of some systems which are leading the way in their application and development.