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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Ankara’daki Halk Kütüphanelerinde Halkla li kiler =Public Relations of Public Libraries in Ankara

Keywords: Ankara , ocuk Kütüphaneleri , Kütüphane Y neticileri , Pazarlama , Halk Kütüphaneleri , Halkla li kiler , Ankara , Children Libraries , Library Directors , Marketing , Public Libraries , Public Relations

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Bu al mada Ankara'daki halk kütüphanelerinin, kullan c lar n sunulan hizmetler hakk nda neden yeterince bilgilendiremedikleri ve kendilerini kullan c lar na neden yeterince tan tamad klar konusu irdelenmi tir. Ara t rman n amac , halk kütüphanelerinde uygulanabilecek halkla ili kiler y ntemlerinin neler oldu unu, halk kütüphanelerinin planl halkla ili kiler faaliyetlerinde bulunmamalar n n nedenlerini ve bu nedenlerin boyutunu, zelliklerini ortaya koymakt r. Ara t rman n evrenini Ankara Büyük ehir Belediyesi s n rlar i inde hizmet veren Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl 'na ba l halk ve ocuk kütüphaneleri olu turmaktad r. nceden yap land r lm g rü me kapsam nda halk kütüphanesi y neticileriyle g rü ülmü , ayr ca ara t rma kapsam ndaki kütüphanelerde g zlem tekni i uygulanm t r. Ara t rmadan elde edilen bulgular nda, halk kütüphanelerinin sistematik halkla ili kiler programlar uygulamamalar nedeniyle, kütüphaneyi tan tmada ve sunulan hizmetlere ili kin kullan c larda olumlu g rü olu turmada yetersiz kald klar anla lm t r In this study the answers to the question "why the public libraries in Ankara could not inform their users about services off ered properly, and could not introduce themselves to users suffi ciently ?" were explicated. The goal of the study is to fi nd out which public relations methods can be used in libraries, and why libraries could not conduct planned public relations activities. The research universe consists of public libraries being administratively connected to Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which lie within the borders of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. For the collection of data, pre-confi gured talks were applied to the managers who were working for the public libraries, and moreover the fulfi llment of library activities were observed. The fi ndings of the study indicate that, since the public libraries could not apply systematic public relations programs, they become inadequate in introducing themselves and hence are not able to create a positive feedback on their users.


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