GET VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM THE DATA GRAVEYARDAbstract: ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Continuous measurements such as temperature, pressure, or flow are recorded and stored in the plant data history of industrial chemical plants. Frequently, data is accumulated and kept in storage without anyone drawing further conclusions from it about the state of the process. This paper shows how historical data can give insight into the operation of a chemical plant. The time and frequency analysis methods are explained via an industrial process at Eastman Chemical Company, Tennessee. A procedure for systematic data analysis is given. Combined with expert knowledge of the process, causes of disturbances affecting the process can be identified. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kontinue meting van veranderlikes soos temperatuur, druk en vloei word aangeteken en bewaar as ’n omvangryke dataversameling by ’n industri le chemiese aanleg. Heel dikwels gebeur dit dat sodanige inligting nie verder gebruik word vir die bepaling van prosestoestand nie. Díe navorsing toon hoedat sodanige inligting nuttig aangewend kan word vir die bedryf van die proses. Tyd- en frekwensieanalisemetodes word voorgehou vir ‘n nywerheidsproses by Eastman Chemical Company van Tennessee. Sistematiese data-analise word volgens prosedure uitgevoer. Deur laasgenoemde te kombineer met proseskennis kan die oorsake vir prosessteurings uitgewys word.