Measurement of the illumination in official and educational places in Universities of Hamadan and comparison with international standardsKeywords: lighting , Education , Luxmeter , University Abstract: Introduction: There are many related factors effecting on learning and education improvements in each educational system. According to importance of lighting conditions on learning level and advancing of the performance, this study aims to evaluate the lighting conditions at classrooms and official places at Hamadan city affiliated Universities.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, lighting conditions at educational classrooms, official places and corridors of Hamadan city affiliated universities (Azad, Buali Sina, Payame noor, Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Moaalem and Technical School) were evaluated. A calibrated Luxmeter was used for measurements of lighting intensity. All measurements were using general method based on IESNA guidelines. The gathered results were compared by national lighting standards and IESNA advised amounts.Results: the mean of lighting intensity at classrooms of evaluated universities was between 301-666 Lux. This result indicates that the lighting level of majority of classrooms is in proper range. But the uniformity of lighting at majority of places was more than 50% and was not in standard range.Conclusion: The general lighting level at all of universities was upper than the lowest standard amount and the lighting conditions estimates as good. But in majority of cases (especially at university corridors) the mean of lighting intensity was upper than maximum advised amount.