IMPORTANCE OF THE COORDINATIVE ABILITIES DEVELOPMENT IN OPTIMIZING THE SELECTION PROCESS FOR THE ELITE ATHLETESKeywords: selection , coordinative abilities , training , sports games , model Abstract: The study related in this paper reflects the opinion of various experts regarding the importance in developing thecoordinative abilities level to improve selection system of elite athletes. These coordinative abilities can be viewed as the ability of aperson that performs actions with a high degree of difficulty, adjusting the movements in time and space and taking into account newsituations that occur.The main research method used in this paper is based on the literature studies in this area of interest, i.e. articles andpublications, manuals, tutorials, etc. Initially, the study began from the hypothesis that significant improvements can be observed inthe selection process of the young athlete’s when is take into account the development of the coordinative abilities.Analyzing the related work in this field, selection process is the decisive factor in creating the assumptions for achievinghigh performances in sport. Also, these researches provide criteria, samples and standards, features and models for initial and primaryselection process, and also for the selection of the Olympic or national athletes groups.The conclusion of this study shows that one of the most important criteria for athletes’ selection process is represented bytheir level of development of coordination abilities. Researches included in this paper also argue the importance of athlete’scoordination abilities development for selection process in different types of team sport games.