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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Land  2013 

Design and Interpretation of Intensity Analysis Illustrated by Land Change in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

DOI: 10.3390/land2030351

Keywords: category, change, deforestation, error, Intensity Analysis, Kalimantan, land, matrix, Markov, transition

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Intensity Analysis has become popular as a top-down hierarchical accounting framework to analyze differences among categories, such as changes in land categories over time. Some aspects of interpretation are straightforward, while other aspects require deeper thought. This article explains how to interpret Intensity Analysis with respect to four concepts. First, we illustrate how to analyze whether error could account for non-uniform changes. Second, we explore two types of the large dormant category phenomenon. Third, we show how results can be sensitive to the selection of the domain. Fourth, we explain how Intensity Analysis’ symmetric top-down hierarchy influences interpretation with respect to temporal processes, for which changes during a time interval influence the sizes of the categories at the final time, but not at the initial time. We illustrate these concepts by applying Intensity Analysis to changes during one time interval (2000–2004) in a part of Central Kalimantan for the land categories Forest, Bare and Grass.


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