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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Rotation Based Acceleration of Informed Embedding in DPTC Watermarking Scheme

DOI: ijipvcv1i204

Keywords: Watermarking , Dirty-Paper Trellis Codee , high rate , informed embedding , robustness , rotation-based embedding , psychovisual watermarking , low complexity

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The Dirty Paper Trellis Code (DPTC) watermarkingscheme [1] is a very efficient high rate scheme. It has however amajor drawback: its computational complexity. This problem isaddressed by using a faster embedding technique. The embeddingspace is built by projecting some wavelet coefficients onto secretcarriers. The fast embedding is achieved with a dichotomousrotation in the Cox, Miller, and Bloom plane. Besides, a modernwatermarking scheme should manage the psychovisual impactdue to the watermarking signal. This is addressed by using apsychovisual mask. Our low complexity watermarking scheme iscompared to two other psychovisual low complexity approachesand results show a good behavior in terms of robustness. Theobtained results give a very clear vision, in realistic conditionsof use, of the current state-of-the-art for high-rate watermarkingschemes of low complexity.


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