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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Antibiotic resistance of the germs which cause acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy

Keywords: Pyelonephritis , Drug resistance , Anti-bacterial agents , Escherichia coli , Klebsiella oxytoca , Ampicillin , Cefradine.

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Introduction: pyelonephritis is one of the most common infections during thepregnancy. Approximately it is presented approximately in 1 to 2 % of the pregnancyand it puts at risk both mother and fetus.Objective: to determine bacterial resistance to antibiotics in pregnant women withacute pyelonephritis.Methods: descriptive and prospective study in which was evaluated the resistance tothe antibiotics used in patients with diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis in the hospitalizedservice of the Clínica de Maternidad Rafael Calvo, Cartagena, Colombia, since July of2008 to July of 2009. The participants signed informed consent.Results: there were included 118 patients, age range: 14 – 33 years old, with anaverage of 21 years old. 12% of the patients had 16 years old or less. 90.5% of thepatients were in the second or third trimester of the pregnancy. The most common germsidentified were: E. coli 44%, Klebsiella oxítoca 22%, Klebsiella ozaenae y pneumoniae11% each one, Proteus mirabilis 6% and other diverse germs 4%. Ampicillin was theantimicrobial with major resistance: 73%, follow by cefradine: 47%. Pseudomonasaeruginosa was resistant for ampicillin and cefradine in all the cases. Germs resistant toCefuroxime and Cefoperazone/sulbactam were not found.Conclusion: it was found high bacterial resistance to the antibiotics that are usedtraditionally as first generation (ampicillin and cefradine) for the treatment of acutepyelonephritis in pregnancy women. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012;3(2):260-266RESUMEN:Introducción: la pielonefritis es una de las infecciones más comunes durante lagestación. Se presenta aproximadamente en 1 a 2% de los embarazos y pone en riesgotanto a la madre como al feto.Objetivo: determinar resistencia bacteriana a antibióticos en gestantes con pielonefritisaguda.Metodología: estudio descriptivo prospectivo donde se evaluó la resistencia a losantibióticos utilizados en pacientes con diagnóstico de pielonefritis aguda en el serviciode hospitalizados de la Clínica de Maternidad Rafael Calvo, Cartagena, Colombia, desdejulio de 2008 a julio de 2009. Las participantes firmaron consentimiento informado.Resultados: se incluyeron 118 pacientes, rango de edad: 14 – 33 a os, con una mediade 21 a os. El 12% de las pacientes tenía 16 a os o menos. El 90.5% de las pacientescursaba el segundo o tercer trimestre de la gestación. Los gérmenes más comunesidentificados fueron: Escherichia coli 44%, Klebsiella oxytoca 22%, Klebsiella ozaenaey pneumoniae 11% cada una, Proteus mirabilis 6% y otros gérmenes diversos 4%.Ampicilina fue el antimicrobiano con mayor resistenci


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