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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Postoperative pain: specific-procedure approach

Keywords: Post-operative pain , Pain measurement , Analgesia , Opioid analgesics , NSAI.

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Pain is an unpleasant sensorial and emotional experience associated to real or potentialtissue response, in special if the trigger factor is known, as it occurs in a surgicalprocedure. In spite of the advance in analgesic techniques and medication, moderateto severe postoperative pain is presented in 70% of the operated patients. Multimodalanalgesia has been proposed due to it involves preventive analgesia and advanceanalgesia. Equally an specific analgesic management for each surgical procedure, withoutlosing of sight the individual factors of the patient and neither the adverse effects ofthe medication which can have negative impact in the result of the surgery. This guideindicates patterns for the management of the postoperative pain and it reproducesproposals of the initiative PROSPECT. Rev.cienc.biomed.2012:3(2):360-372RESUMEN:El dolor es una experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable asociada a lesión tisularreal o potencial, en especial si se conoce que el desencadenante es una intervenciónoperatoria. Pese al avance en técnicas analgésicas y medicamentos, se presentadolor postoperatorio moderado a severo en el 70% de los pacientes intervenidos.Se viene proponiendo la analgesia multimodal, que involucra a la analgesiapreventiva y la analgesia anticipada. Igualmente un manejo analgésico específicopara cada procedimiento quirúrgico, sin perder de vista los factores individuales delpaciente y tampoco los efectos adversos de los medicamentos que pueden impactarnegativamente el resultado de la cirugía. Esta guía indica pautas para el manejo deldolor postoperatorio y reproduce propuestas de la iniciativa PROSPECT. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2012:3(2):360-372


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