tasar?m + kuram 2011
Alternative Shopping Places of Cities: Weekly Market Places of Istanbul= ehirlerin alternatif al veri mekanlar : stanbul'da haftal k pazarlarKeywords: Periyodik Pazarlar , Haftal k Semt Pazarlar , stanbul. Abstract: Bu yaz , zaman-mekan ba lam na a rl k vererek, stanbul'da periyodik pazarlar n al c -sat c -sat lan mal ili kileri a s ndan ba l ca zelliklerini ve mekansal da l lar n incelemektedir. Seyyar sat c dan mega al veri mekanlar na kadar her tür al veri kolayl n n bulundu u stanbul'da, pazarlar, yap la m ya da yerle ik denilen al veri kolayl klar na da bir alternatif olu turmaktad rlar. En dü ükten en yüksek gelir düzeyine kadar tüm toplumsal gruplara hitap etmeleri, al c lara se enekler sunmalar , ucuzluklar ve kolay eri ilebilir olmalar yüzünden de yaratt klar ehirsel sorunlara ra men, asla nemlerini kaybetmeyecek gibi g rünmektedirler. This paper examines both the spatial and tem-poral role and main characteristics of periodic markets (pazar) in Istanbul through analysis of a longitudinal study of sellers and consumers. All urban income classifications and socio-economic levels, from impoverished slum dwellers to middle class suburbanites to high income urbanites in Istanbul use periodic markets to satisfy some food, clothing or other needs. In some cases weekly informal markets are just meters away from entrances to Istanbul's permanent super mega-malls. While some periodic markets in Istanbul have operated in the same space since the Ottoman period, the others have sprung up both in slum areas (gecekondu) and newly planned urban neighborhoods. We conclude that periodic markets will continue their appeal and success across the entire spectrum of Turkish society, including both men and women, young and old residents, rural immigrants, and both rich and poor consumers in spite of the problems they have been creating in the urban neighborhoods.