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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Raz ’nin, Kur’an’daki Yeryüzü (Arz) yetleriyle lgili Tefsir-i Kebir’deki Yorumlar : Modern Jeoloji Biliminin Verileriyle K sa Bir Mukayese

Keywords: Fahreddin er-Raz , Tefsir-i Kebir , Tefsir , Jeoloji , Yeryüzü , Fakhr al-Din al-Raz , Tafsir Al Kabir , Tafsir , Geology , Earth , Fakhr al-D n al-Raz , Tafs r al-Kab r , Tafs r , Geologie , Terre

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zetBat dünyas nda bilimsel bulu ve ke iflerin yeni ba lad bir d nemde, slam dünyas nda bir ok bilimsel bulu ve ke if Müslüman bilim adamlar taraf ndan ortaya konulmu tur. Bu bulu ve ke iflerin yap ld alanlardan biri de Jeoloji (yer) ilmidir. Bu konuyu tefsirinde etrafl ca ele alan Raz ( . 606/1210), yer ile ilgili ayetleri kendi d neminin ilmi verileri do rultusunda ayr nt l bir ekilde tefsir etmi tir. Bu yüzden onun baz a klamalar , zaman zaman modern Jeoloji ilminin verilerine ters dü ebilmektedir. Onun, bu ayetleri tefsir ederken en temel amac , bunlar Allah’ n varl na ve birli ine delil getirmesi olmu tur.AbstractDuring a period when the scientific inventions and discoveries were just beginning in the West, many inventions and discoveries had been done by Muslim Scientists in Muslim world. One of the areas where these inventions and discoveries were carried out was Geology the science of the Earth. Al-Raz (606/1210) who discussed this subject in his commentary, translates the verses about the Earth with the help of the scientific knowledges of his age in a detailed way.Therefore, some of his explanations may be the opposite of the facts of modern Geology from time to time. His main goal -while commenting these verses- was to make them an evidence for the existence and oneness of Allah.RésuméA une époque où les nouvelles inventions et les découvertes scientifiques ont commencé à appara tre dans le monde occidental, plusieurs inventions et découvertes scientifiques étaient déjà découvertes par les scientifiques musulmans dans le monde islamique. L’un des domaines de ces inventions et découvertes est la géologie. Razi (m. 606/1210), qui a examiné ce sujet en détail dans son exégèse coranique, a interprété les versets concernés à la terre d’une manière détaillée conformément aux données scientifiques de son temps. De ce fait, certaines de ses explications s’opposent de temps en temps aux données scientifiques de la géologie moderne. L’objectif principal de l’auteur – lorsqu’il interprète les versets coraniques en cause – était de les utiliser comme preuves de l’existence et de l’unicité de Dieu. . ( ) . (606/1210) .


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