Literatura 2011
Mitas ir metamorfoz Alfonso Nykos-Niliūno poezijoje. Myth and metamorphosis in the poetry of Alfonsas Nyka-NiliūnasAbstract: The article discusses two aspects of myth functions in A. Nyka-Niliūnas poetry: 1) myth as symbolic plot that implies different versions of stories about essen-tial human experiences (life and death, nature and culture, face and mask, writing and voice); 2) myth as a field of reflection and interpretation. The recep-tion of the myth relies on the universal principle of return and repetition where cosmological dimension is accompanied by the perspective of the perceiving and enunciating subject. The phenomenon of meta-morphosis is manifested as a law of nature, on the other hand, it is related to the transposition of myt-hical stories and images and their transformations. The article investigates how a law of nature becomes the problem of being and creation in the poetry of A. Nyka-Niliūnas.