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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




El debate sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional y sus implicaciones para la salud pública Debate on the natural and traditional medicine and its implications for the public health

Keywords: salud pública , ciencia , pseudociencia , medicina natural , experimentación , método científico , public health , science , pseudoscience , natural medicine , experimentation , scientific method

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Se reflexiona en torno a la importancia del debate y de la aplicación rigurosa del método científico para fortalecer la Medicina Natural y Tradicional como recurso de la salud pública. Se esclarecen e ilustran los conceptos de ciencia errónea, ciencia espuria y pseudociencia, todos relevantemente peligrosos para la salud de la población. A la vez que se se ala que bajo la sombrilla de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, se ubican legítimos recursos terapéuticos, se advierte sobre la existencia de otros que no cuentan con el aval del método científico o cuya validez ha sido directamente refutada por él. Se reivindica la importancia medular de considerar el mejor conocimiento disponible en cada momento histórico para el dise o de acciones de salud adecuadas y se concluye que solo la honradez intelectual, el debate constructivo y la experimentación son capaces de garantizar este propósito. The importance of the debate and the rigorous application of the scientific method to strengthen the Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM) as a public health resource were analyzed. Three concepts were clarified and illustrated: erroneous science, spurious science and pseudoscience, all of them significantly hazardous to the population′s health. While it is noted that legitimate therapeutic resources are located under the umbrella of the natural and traditional medicine, it was also warned against other resources which do not have the endorsement of the scientific method or whose validity has been directly refuted. The crucial importance of taking into account the best available knowledge at every historical period to design appropriate public health actions was highlighted. It was emphasized that only intellectual honesty, constructive debate and experimentation are able to secure this purpose.


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