The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilationDOI: 10.5194/hessd-10-1097-2013 Abstract: Soil moisture status in land surface models (LSMs) can be updated by assimilating cosmic-ray neutron intensity measured in air above the surface. This requires a fast and accurate model to calculate the neutron intensity from the profiles of soil moisture modeled by the LSM. The existing Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) model is sufficiently accurate but too slow to be practical in the context of data assimilation. Consequently an alternative and efficient model is needed which can be calibrated accurately to reproduce the calculations made by MCNPX and used to substitute for MCNPX during data assimilation. This paper describes the construction and calibration of such a model, COSMIC, which is simple, physically-based and analytic and, because it runs at least 50 000 times faster than MCNPX, is appropriate in data assimilation applications. The model includes simple descriptions of (a) degradation of the incoming high energy neutron flux with soil depth, (b) creation of fast neutrons at each depth in the soil, and (c) scattering of the resulting fast neutrons before they reach the soil surface, all of which processes may have parameterized dependency on the chemistry and moisture content of the soil. The site-to-site variability in the parameters used in COSMIC is explored for 42 sample sites in the COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System (COSMOS), and the comparative performance of COSMIC relative to MCNPX when applied to represent interactions between cosmic-ray neutrons and moist soilis explored. At an example site in Arizona, fast neutron counts calculated by COSMIC from the average soil moisture profile given by an independent network of point measurements in the COSMOS probe footprint are similar to the fast neutron intensity measured by the COSMOS probe. Moreover at this site application of data assimilation using COSMIC to update the Noah Land Surface Model constrains the modeled soil moisture such that it agrees with the values given by the independent network of point measurements, thus confirming that COSMIC can be used as a robust forward operator in data assimilation of cosmic-ray soil moisture measurements.