CAVIR: CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS IN VIRTUAL REALITY WAYS TO A VALID INTERPRETATION OF CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS POINT CLOUDS IN VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSKeywords: interaction techniques , user interfaces , exploratory data analysis , correspondence analysis , virtual reality , clustering , market research Abstract: Correspondence Analysis (CA) is frequently used to interpret correlationsbetween categorical variables in the area of market research. To do so, coherences ofvariables are converted to a three-dimensional point cloud and plotted as threedifferent 2D-mappings. The major challenge is to correctly interpret these plottings.Due to a missing axis, distances can easily be under- or overestimated. This can leadto a misinterpretation of data and thus to faulty conclusions. To address this problemwe present CAVIR, an approach for CA in Virtual Reality. It supports users with avirtual three-dimensional representation of the point cloud and different tools foranalysis and clustering. Besides, the free rotation of the entire point cloud enables theCA user to always have a correct view of the data.