Türk Kütüphanecili?i 2010
Necessity of Scientific Ethics Committees in Terms of Ethical Principles and Codes of Conduct Etik lkeler ve Davran Kurallar A s ndan Bilimsel Etik Kurullar n n Gereklili iKeywords: etik , bilimsel etik , bilimsel etik kurullar Abstract: This article discusses the reflections and consequences of the problems that arise when scientific studies are not carried out within ethical rules and it emphasizes on the necessity of Scientific Ethics Committees for preventing such problems. Within this frame, the article gives information about the 6 basic principles that appear in the report titled “Bilimsel Ara t rmalarda Etik ve Sorunlar ” (Ethics and Ethical Issues in Scientific Researches) announced on December 1, 2001 and a list titled “Davran Kurallar ” (Code of Conduct) by TüBA (The Turkish Academy of Sciences) following the establishment of a related center within TüB TAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). Bu makalede bilimsel al malar n etik kurallar er evesinde yap lmamas durumunda ortaya kan sorunlar n yans malar ve sonu lar üstünde durulmakta ve bunlar n nlenmesi i in Bilimsel Etik Kurullar n n gereklili ine vurgu yap lmaktad r. Bu ba lamda TüB TAK bünyesinde ilgili bir merkezin kurulmas ndan sonra TüBA taraf ndan 1 Aral k 2001 tarihinde a klanan "Bilimsel Ara t rmalarda Etik ve Sorunlar " ba l kl raporda yer alan 6 temel ilke ve “Davran Kurallar ” hakk nda bilgi verilerek makale sonland r lmaktad r.