CATEGORIES, PRINCIPLES, REGU-LARITIES, FUNCTIONS AND METHODS OF ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR PRODUCTION FORMATIONS OF THE AGROINDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Категории, принципы, закономерности, функции и методы адаптивного управления крупными производственными образованиями АПКKeywords: CATEGORY , PRINCIPLE , PATTERN , FUNCTION , MECHANISM , ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT , INTEGRATED SEGMENTS OF SUGAR SUBCOMPLEX (SYSTEM WITH COMPLEX OR-GANIZATION) Abstract: This article examines the categories, principles, patterns, functions, and methods of adaptive management. Consideration of the fact that the adaptation is the model of behaviour of systems with complex organization in market conditions, and adaptive management - mechanism of realization of this model of behavior in real conditions. Comparison of adaptive management principles; a classification of principles, laws and methods of adaptive management