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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Monitoring the Change Management Applications in Libraries with CMML and CMML-CS: A Case Study of the Central Library of Marmara University Kütüphanelerde De i im Y netimi Uygulamalar n n CMML ve CMML-CS le zlenmesi: Marmara üniversitesi Merkez Kütüphanesi rne i

Keywords: kütüphane , de i im , de i im y netimi , Marmara üniversitesi Merkez Kütüphanesi , CMML , CMML-CS

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The developments in the world in every field of study also affect libraries and, as a result, various changes are seen to be taking place or need to be taking place. In order for libraries to be able to adapt to these developments, they are advised to manage the change process and their policy should be adapted to fit these changes. With this purpose, the CMML and CMML-CS, a change management model and scale which was prepared for libraries it is the first time in our country. The aim of this study is to determine how change is managed in The Central Library of Marmara University (CLMU). For this purpose, firstly a questionnaire was carried out and as a result the level of satisfaction of the users was measured. According to levels of user satisfaction, the library’s competency to implement change was determined and various recommendations were made about how the deficiencies could be corrected. Dünyada her alanda ya anan geli meler kütüphaneleri de etkilemekte, bu etkinin neticesinde ise kütüphanelerde bir tak m de i imlerin ya and / ya anmas gerekti i g rülmektedir. Kütüphanelerin dünyada ya anan bu geli melere adapte olabilmesi i in, de i im sürecini y netmeleri ve bütün politikalar n bu de i im hareketlerine g re y nlendirmeleri gerekti i tavsiye edilmektedir. Bu nedenle ülkemizde ilk kez, kütüphaneler i in de i im y netimi modeli olan Change Management Model for Libraries (CMML) ve onu destekleyen l ek olan Change Management Model for Libraries- Competency Scale (CMML-CS) tasarlanm t r. Bu al man n amac , bir üniversite kütüphanesi olan Marmara üniversitesi Merkez Kütüphanesi (MüMK)’nin, bu ge i sürecinde de i imi nas l y netti ini tespit etmektir. Bu ama la ncelikli olarak anket al mas yap lm , bunun sonucunda da kullan c lar n memnuniyet düzeyleri l ülmü tür. Bu sonuca g re kütüphanenin de i imi izleme seviyesi tespit edilmi ve eksik y nlerin giderilmesi i in bir tak m nerilerde bulunulmu tur.


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