In die Skriflig 2013
Astonishment and joy: Luke 1 as told from the perspective of ElizabethDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ids.v47i1.77 Keywords: Luke 1 , Elizabeth , the elderly wife of Zechariah , monologue , astonishment and joy Abstract: This article, a dramatic, scholarly monologue, examines the events that Luke 1 recounts, retelling them from the viewpoint of Elizabeth, the elderly wife of Zechariah, a priest. It uses a literary method and presents the monologue as an eyewitness account.1Luke 1 frames its central events from a female and gynocentric perspective.2As a participant in the infancy narrative in Luke 1, Elizabeth should figure predominantly in scholarly articles and sermons. Surprisingly, she does not. Instead, scholarly, lectionary and congregational attention focuses primarily on Zechariah and Mary, two of the other speaking characters. Consequently, this article seeks to showcase, honour, and analyse Elizabeth, an overlooked yet pivotal character in Luke’s gospel. Via a dramatic monologue, it lets her speak about the astonishing recent events in her life and thereby invites readers and hearers to share her joy, surely a singular theme in Luke’s gospel.