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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Effects of migratory seasonal farmwork on psychomotor development and growth among children ages 0-5 years in Southeastern Anatolia

DOI: 10.5421/10.5421/1304.1086

Keywords: Migratory Farmwork , children , growth , development

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Objective:The aim of this cross-sectional survey is to investigate the role of migratory farmworker on childhood growth and psychomotor development. Method: We studied 174 children ages 0-5 years raised in migratory farmworker families (n=174), and compared them to a sample of non-farm workers’ children (n=174) selected by probability sampling method. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and anthropometric measurements, and Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory. Results: Stunting was found in 43.1% of the farmworker’s children; 21.3% were in non-farmworker’s children. Farmworker mothers reported that none of their children had been monitored by healthcare professionals. Being from a migratory farmwork family (OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.4-4.7; p=0.001) and maternal education (OR 0.88; 95% CI = 0.78-0.99; p=0.040) were found to be factors associated with stunted growth after controlling for confounding factors such as economic situation, number of children, household size and maternal age. Conclusion: Children of migratory farmwokers represent a vulnerable population that deserves special attention in terms of healthcare rights and primary healthcare services. Key Words: Migratory farmwork, children, growth, development Güneydo u Anadolu B lgesi’nde 0-5 ya lar aras ndaki ocuklar n büyüme ve psikomotor geli imine mevsimlik tar m i ili inin etkisi Ama : Kesitsel tipteki bu ara t rman n amac , mevsimlik tar m i ili inin ocuklar n büyüme ve psikomotor geli imine etkisini ara t rmakt r. Y ntem: Olas l kl rnekleme y ntemiyle se ilen 174 g ebe tar m i isi ailenin ocu u ve 174 tar m i isi olmayan ailenin ocu u büyüme ve geli me a s ndan kar la t r lm t r. Veri toplamada soru formu, antropometrik l ümler ve Ankara Geli im Tarama Envanteri kullan lm t r. Bulgular: Bodurluk tar m i isi ailelerin ocuklar nda %43.1, tar m i isi olmayan ailelerin ocuklar nda %21.3’dür. Mevsimlik tar m i isi anneler ocuklar n n büyüme ve geli me izlemlerinin yap lmad n bildirmi lerdir. Ekonomik durum, ocuk say s , hanehalk büyüklü ü ve annenin ya kontrol edildi inde, mevsimlik tar m i isi ailenin ocu u olma (OR 2.6; %95 GA 1.4-4.7; p=0.001) ve annenin renim düzeyi (OR 0.88; 95% CI = 0.78-0.99; p=0.040) bodurluk i in ili kili fakt rler olarak saptanm t r. Sonu : Hassas bir grup olan mevsimlik tar m i isi ailelerin ocuklar n n temel sa l k hizmetlerine ve sa l k haklar na eri imlerinin sa lanmas i in aba harcanmal d r. Anahtar Kelimeler: G ebe tar m i i, ocuklar, büyüme, geli me


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