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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




LITANIA INEXTRICáVEL: transgress o e culpa como horizonte!

DOI: 10.7443/problemata.v2i1.10375

Keywords: trágico , religi o , culpa

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O texto desenvolvido prima por apresentar interroga es quanto à possibilidade de estabelecer cruzamentos entre a concep o trágica e a concep o das religi es morais, a fim de demonstrar que a idéia de culpa, sugerida nas interpreta es e motiva es das religi es morais, n o condiz com a mensagem trágica grega: trágico e culpa s o incompatíveis. This article aims to present some questions in relation to the possibility of to establish some approaches between the tragic conception and the conception of moral religions, in order to demonstrate that the idea of guilt, sugested in some interpretations of moral religions do not match with the greek tragic message: the tragic and guilt are incompatibles.


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