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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reading Skills Articles on Gender Variable / Okuma Becerisi ile lgili Makalelerde Cinsiyet De i keni

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7884/teke.153

Keywords: Reading skill , gender Okuma becerisi , cinsiyet

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The purpose of this study is to discover if there are various differences between boys and girls in respect to reading skill as well as reasons for them based on the articles published in Turkey. The study has indicated various results in favor of the girls mainly in regard to various aspects of reading skill such as comprehension. It has been discovered in this study that several studies concluding differences related to sex variable do not explain the reasons for the situation in favor of girls or boys or they only refer to similar studies related to reading skill. In the study, it has also been concluded that the reason behind more positive attitude of girls towards reading in some articles is because they spend more time at home than the boys. Various suggestions have been made at the end of the study.Bu al man n amac okuma becerisinde k zlarla erkekler aras nda e itli farkl l klar n olup olmad n , sebepleriyle birlikte, Türkiye’de yay nlanan makalelerden hareketle belirlemektir. Ara t rman n sonunda okuma becerisinin okudu unu anlama gibi e itli y nlerinde k zlar ile erkekler aras nda a rl kl olarak k zlar lehine olan e itli sonu lar n oldu u ortaya km t r. al mada cinsiyet de i keni ile ilgili farkl l klara ula an bir ok al man n k zlar veya erkekler lehine olan durumun sebebini a kla(ya)mad veya sadece okuma becerisiyle ilgili benzer al malara at fta bulundu u da tespit edilmi tir. Ara t rmada, ayr ca, ara t rma kapsam ndaki baz makalelerde k zlar n okumaya kar daha olumlu tutumlar i inde olmas n n vb. k zlar n erkeklere g re evde daha ok zaman ge irmelerine vb. ba land sonucuna da ula lm t r. al man n sonunda e itli nerilere yer verilmi tir.


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