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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The karyotype and taxonomic status of Cryptomys hottentotus darlingi (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)

Keywords: Cryptomys hottentolus darlingi , Cytogenetic analyses , north eastern Zimbabwe , southern subspecies C. h , hottentotus , C. h. natalensis , chromosome differentiation

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Cytogenetic analyses were performed on twenty specimens referable to Cryptomys hottentolus darlingi from north eastern Zimbabwe. In comparison to the southern subspecies C. h, hottentotus (aFN = 102) and C. h, natalensis (aFN = 100), C. h. darlingi showed the same diploid number (2n = 54), but a striking reduction in the fundamental number (aFN = 80). C-banding analysis suggests that chromosome differentiation arose most probably by pericentric inversions. The magnitude of the karyotypic differences is assumed to represent reproductive isolation and consequently the specific status for the darlingi cytotype is recommended. ********** AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sitogenetiese ontleding is uitgevoer op 20 individue van Cryplomys hottentolus darlingi van noord-oostelike Zimbabwe. In vergelyking met die suidelike subspesies C. h. hottentolus (aNF = 102) en C. h. natalensis (aNF = 100) vertoon C. h. darlingi dieselfde diplo'ide getal (2n = 54), en 'n verbasende vermindering in die nombre fondamental (aNF = 80). C-band-analise impliseer dat chromosoomdiHerensiering heel waarskynlik ontstaan het deur middel van perisentriese inversies. Daar word aangeneem dat die grootte van die kariotiepverskille reproduktiewe isolasie verteenwoordig, en gevolglik word spesifieke status vir die darlingi sitotipe aanbeveel.


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