WHAT SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS DO INFLUENCE THE LEVEL OF TOURIST’S SATISFACTION IN MONTENEGRO? EMPIRICAL ANALYSISKeywords: tourist satisfaction , socio-demographic characteristics , empirical analysis , experience , Montenegro Abstract: Montenegro as tourist destination is committed to providing a high quality experience for the tourists while carefully managing the use of a rare natural resource. In order to achieve the strategic objectives in sustainable tourism development in the future, the main focus should be given to the analysis of the main determinants of tourist satisfaction. Using a database that provides information on tourist travel behaviour and satisfaction during her/his stay in Montenegro, we have conducted empirical analysis to understand if the socio-demographic characteristics are associated with the level of tourist’s satisfaction. The effect of socio-demographic characteristics is measured through five dimensions: gender, age, country of residence, occupation and wage. Using multinomial logit model we analyze above mentioned socio-demographic characteristics and their influence on the level of tourist’s satisfaction in Montenegro.