First evidence of non-parental male infanticide in the endangered Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus)Keywords: camera-trapping , Do ana , Iberian lynx , infanticide , Lynx pardinus Abstract: Based on both radio-tracking and photo-trapping data, we present in this paper the first evidence of a non-parental male infanticide in the Iberian lynx. This paper is focused on the behaviour of 3 Iberian lynxes [one resident male (RM); one resident female (RF), and one incoming male (IM)] of the Do ana population, recorded in the spring of 2007. The first two animals were monitored by radio-tacking and the third one by camera trapping. During the mating season of 2007, RM and RF were the only adult lynxes detected in the area. In February, a new incoming adult male was first spotted within RF’s territory. In March, RM was found dead due to a Feline Leukaemia Virus infection. A few days later RF cubs were found dead, and the evidences collected point out to a case of infanticide committed by IM. More research on this type of behaviour is necessary, since it can represent a relevant threat to population reproductive success and increasing rate. Based on this event, when a replacement of males takes place during the first three months of lactation in the vicinity of a reproductive female home-range, the cubs could suffer a potential infanticide event. Conservation managers should take this into account by increasing cub surveillance or by considering cub removal for captive breeding.