Semantics and Model Driven Design Patterns InstantiationKeywords: Design Patterns , Semantics , Model transformations , Source code transformations , Models of design patterns , Model driven transformations and support Abstract: This paper is focused on the method of the design patternssupport which is based on a principle of suggestionof design pattern instances via the semantic marking ofmodel elements or source code fragments and the subsequenttransformations of this way marking models orsource code. The transformations generate the missingstructure of the suggested design pattern instances in arequested form. The method provides the support of designpatterns at three levels of abstraction and in this wayit enables earlier application of the design patterns intothe models and it provides more abstract view on the patterninstances. The emphasis is put also on the supportof specialization, concretization and variability of designpatterns. The method defines transformations betweenthe supported model levels and the source code. Withinthe transformations the emphasis is put on the preservingof visibility of pattern instances and on the preservingof the pattern support also at the lower abstraction levelstill the source code. Moreover, the transformationsare driven by models of patterns and they are designed inthe way which provides great adaptability of the transformationsresults and easy extension of the support aboutnew patterns or custom model structures. Thanks to thecontinual support of the design patterns at more levelsof abstraction and thanks to the transformations betweenparticular model levels and source code, the method triesto achieve the applicability in the area of the iterative,incremental and model driven development.