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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Das demandas dos trabalhadores às estratégias do capital: o sindicalismo no torvelinho da integra o regional (From the worker′s demands to the capital strategies: syndicalism in the whirlwind of the regional integration)

Keywords: Capitalismo. Sindicalismo. Mercosul.

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Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a trajetória e a atua o sindical no ambito do MERCOSUL, tendo como referência a Coordenadora Central Sindical do Cone Sul (CCSCS), principal órg o representante dos trabalhadores nas comiss es e grupos de debate no interior do Conselho do Mercado Comum (CMC). Busca identificar as principais propostas encaminhadas pela CCSCS no tocante à problemática regional em rela o à economia, aos direitos sociais e trabalhistas e suas posi es ante as demandas próprias do capitalismo e das elites dominantes nesse contexto. A análise foi realizada a partir de pesquisa documental do período compreendido entre 1998-2008, nas declara es emitidas pela CCSCS a propósito das reuni es anuais realizadas pelos presidentes das na es integrantes do MERCOSUL. A pesquisa evidenciou os rumos da luta sindical no ambito da integra o regional, diante do novo contexto, concluindo-se que essa, embora tenha buscado defender alguns interesses da classe trabalhadora, ainda se mantém mais vinculada às estratégias do capital. A partir desse novo panorama faz-se necessária uma exaustiva revis o dos procedimentos teóricopráticos utilizados pelos sindicatos, tendo em conta as contingências próprias introduzidas pelas crises cíclicas do capital, o que remete à retomada da luta política mais ampla. Abstract: The present article aims at analyzing the trajectory and actions of labor unions in the MERCOSUR sphere, with reference to the Central Trade Union Coordinator of the Southern Cone (CSCSC), the main representative organ of the workers in the commissions and debate groups within the Common Market Council (CMC). It seeks to identify the main proposals presented by the CSCSC in relation to the regional problems regarding economy, social and working rights, and its attitudes towards the demands of capitalism and of the ruling elites in this context. The analysis was based on documentary research regarding the periods from 1998 to 2008, as well as on the declarations provided by the CSCSC concerning the annual meetings held by the presidents of the member nations of MERCOSUR. The investigation has revealed the directions of the labor union struggle concerning regional integration in the new context; it is observed that labor unions remain more attached to the strategies of capitalism. Taking into consideration this scenario, it is necessary to carry out a thorough review of all the theoretical-practical procedures used by the unions, taking into account their own contingencies introduced by the cyclical crisis of capitalism, which refers to


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