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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




O conhecimento tático declarativo dos levantadores campe es de voleibol The tactical declarative knowledge of the volleyball champions setters

Keywords: Conhecimento , Decis o , Voleibol , Knowledge , Decision , Volleyball

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O objetivo do estudo consistiu em analisar o conhecimento tático declarativo do levantador de voleibol, expert, dos Escal es Iniciais ao Adulto. Como voluntários a amostra teve dezoito levantadores. Dois levantadores, um de cada sexo, campe es estaduais (SP-MG) dos escal es: Mirim (sub-14), Infantil (sub-15), Infanto (sub-17) e Juvenil (sub-20). Houve também a participa o dos campe es do escal o Adulto (Superliga), um masculino e outro feminino. Empregou-se como instrumento o Teste de Conhecimento Tático Declarativo do Levantador (MATIAS; GRECO, 2009). Os resultados demonstraram a expertise tática declarativa dos levantadores, pois todos foram capazes de tomar a decis o correta e justificar com exatid o a decis o. Para tal, aplicou-se o teste de correla o de Spearman que demonstrou uma associa o significativa em todos os escal es (p=0,000). Por meio da aplica o do teste de Kruskall-Wallis e Mann-Whitney verificou-se a diferen a do escal o Adulto perante os demais, em ambos os sexo, pois o valor de significancia dos testes foram inferiores a 0,05. Os resultados apurados sugerem que equipes campe s possuem, como responsável pela organiza o ofensiva, levantadores com compreens o declarativa das a es inerentes a distribui o de jogo. The aim of this study consisted of the volleyball setter's (expert) declarative knowledge analysis. The sample counted on eighteen setters as volunteers. Two of them, each one of a different gender, distributed equally among categories of competition: 14 under division, 15 under division, 17 under division and 20 under division. All champions for the state of SP or MG. There was also a participation of two setters that were champions in the Adult category (Professional National Championship: Superliga), each one of a different gender. It was employed the Setter's Tactical Declarative Knowledge Test (MATIAS; GRECO, 2009). The results showed the setter's tactical declarative expertise, because all of them were capable of taking correct decisions and justified them with strictness. For this purpose, the Spearman correlation test was applied and it showed a significant association in all of the categories (p=0,00). Using the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests the difference between the Adult and the other categories was verified, in both genders, it was due to the significance level of the tests lower than 0,005. The final results pointed that volleyball champion teams have setters as the responsible ones for the offensive organization in the game. These setters have declarative comprehension of the game's distribution in


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