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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Fugas, quilombos e fuj es nas Américas (séculos XVI-XIX) Escapes, quilombos and fugitives in the Americas (sixteenth-nineteenth centuries)

Keywords: quilombos , fugas , América , escravismo , quilombos , escape , America , slavery

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O presente trabalho parte da constata o da natureza relativamente anódina dos estudos acerca dos quilombos em sociedades escravistas nas Américas, os quais n o raro juntam numa única categoria (quilombos, cumbes, palenques, mainels, etc.) estruturas que podiam englobar menos de uma dezena de fugitivos e durar semanas ou meses, ou, como no caso de Palmares, congregar até 11 mil quilombolas e persistir por quase um século. Semelhante anomalia conceptual revela a falta de taxonomias que encarem os quilombos como estruturas efetivamente históricas que podiam circunscrever-se a meras hordas, ou evoluir para a condi o de comunidades autossustentáveis, capazes de se autorreproduzirem económica e demograficamente por longos períodos. This work attempts to address the lack of a systematic study of the communities of runaway slaves in the Americas. Characteristically, there is a tendency to put together under the same category settlements that accommodated fewer than ten or twelve fugitives and lasted for only a few weeks or months and others (such as was the case of Palmares) that included up to 11,000 settlers and lasted for almost a century. This conceptual anomaly is here taken as a sign that we are in bad need of a taxonomy that allows for a study of quilombos (settlements of runaway slaves) as truly historical structures which may be no more than a small band of refugees but may also evolve to include communities that achieved a considerable measure of economic and populational self-sufficiency.


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