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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Egzystencja oraz analiza. Nowa Fenomenologia jako trzecia droga filozofii europejskiej (Existence and Analysis. The New Phenomenology as the Third Way of the European Philosophy)

Keywords: phenomenology , phenomenality , facility , being situated , basis of abstraction , forms of consciousness , dogma of the inner world , emotional affection , vital drive/impetus , primitive presence

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The article presents the New Phenomenology of Hermann Schmitz as a third way of doing philosophy today: between the Scylla of analytical analysis of language and science and the Harybdis of quasi-metaphysical description of the reality (structuralism,new ontologies), being a kind of continuation of the speculative idealism. Based on the general idea of the descriptiv phenomenology by Edmund Husserl and critisizing the mistakes done by its initiator Hermann Schmitz proposes an attractive form of the philosophical research that situates itself far from summerizing theresults of the scientific inquiry on one side and from critisizing the sciences from a “higher, metaphysical” standpoint on the other. In a kind of friendly challenge to the Fundamental Ontology Heidegger’s the New Phenomenelogy proposes an analysisof humans’s primordial experiences of the reality we are in, sharing it partially with animals. Schmitz seems to succeed in showing the point where the human experience transcendents the reality experience of the higher animals, which is an interesting challange to a similar attempt done by John Searle.


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