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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Filozofia i wiat wspó czesny (Philosophy and the present-day world)

Keywords: philosophy , western civilization , truth , critical thinking , manipulation , social tolerance

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The article aims at showing what role philosophical education should fulfill in the present-day world. One of the main causes of cultural, scientific and technological development of the Western civilization can be seen in the close cooperation between philosophy, theology, science and humanities. Although modern science functions independently from philosophy, it is nevertheless possible that even today fundamental theoretical problems in science and speculative philosophical problems are closely connected and mutually influence each other.Characteristic for present-day world is the broad access to education and information, but new means of information which we possess today are also used as means of manipulation. Philosophical education can fulfill the role of a defense mechanism against manipulation because it leads to the development of critical attitude and to the very broad understanding of natural and social world. Only uncompromising desire for truth, broad understanding of natural and social world, the habit of critical thinking could in an important way influence the development of true tolerance and harmony in the social life in the present-day world.


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